Thursday, February 19, 2004

Stay at Home Parents

In our family, Anthony will be the Mr. Mom, while I go out every day to earn a living ...

of course, he earns his living from home already .. but having a Junior/Juniorette to

look after will add a whole new dimension to his work day -- I wonder just how much

work he will actually be able to do between tending to baby ... and, of course, like

Carol and every other mom who has to leave her child, I'm sure I will also feel those

parting pangs and envy my man for having so much bonding time ... and he will maybe

envy me for having the freedom to walk out the door every day at 7 a.m. ... life is so

complicated ... it's interesting reading that so many of us are experiencing these

things at around the same time.

I like Carol and Killy's solution of facing life's obstacles with a song ...

Colin, maybe what defines you as a man is not so much the day to day grind of

earning The Living but the gradual creation of something larger: life and dreams

and song and the hope and love and promise you see reflected in your children's

eyes when they look at you, the one who makes it all possible.

Life viewed in the near may look like muddled stains on the floor, but viewed over

months or years it becomes a multi-colored landscape of breathtaking complexity

and richly layered meanings, of unanticipated turns and forks in the road, of valleys

that go on and on, only to be capped by glorious peaks, and of interconnected threads

that lead you to become the person you were always meant to be.

Things never change. Then, unexpectedly, they do.

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