Sunday, February 19, 2006

Some things I don't get.

Upon drinking two cups of coffee, here are my gripes for the day:

1. Hiring people to do your lawn. If you don't have a mansion and you're not disabled, do it yourself! And leafblowers. My God, people, use a broom!

Note: I know someone here is a professional gardener and that's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about getting out the lawn mower and cutting your grass. Landscaping and growing things often requires some assistance.

2. Love of Macs. I've been dealing with my Mac for a good deal of time now and I don't see the advantages of it over a PC. Not that I hate my Mac, I'm just not feeling particularly wowed by it.

3. Pulp Fiction. Though this is an outdated gripe, I still think this is a really shitty movie and everyone else thinks it changed the cinematic landscape.

4. Dr. Neil Frank's hatred of cold weather. Every time he complains when the temperature drops below 70 degrees, I want to throw something at the TV.

5. El Tiempo Cantina. Severely overpriced ($18 for two tacos and all sides are extra?!), but everyone still loves it.

6. The O.C. It's not just for teenyboppers anymore; hipsters and indie kids watch this show and I'm not getting on that bandwagon.

7. Ironic mullets. Why isn't it ok to laugh and point at the indie kid sporting a mullet? Is this a thing in Austin or is this only a thing in Houston?

8. Letting kids do things that they have no business doing. If you relate to the episode of Sex and the City where Miranda gets into an elevator at the gym and goes to push the floor button but the guy asks her not to because his son wants to do it, you know what I'm talking about. Yesterday at Whole Foods I was stuck behind a mother who was letting her toddler son push the cart, but of course he couldn't steer the thing and was traveling at a rate of about 1 foot/minute. Come on, parents, let's stop the madness.

9. Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. I just really, really, really don't care.

And finally,

10. Sigur Ros. Devendra Banhart. Broken Social Scene. Ooh, ooh, and Belle and Sebastian. I HATE Belle and Sebastian!

Thank you. And please feel free to share what you don't get. It feels so good to get it off your chest.

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