Friday, October 20, 2006

Problem Solving

Paul always beats me at chess. Always. It's the most frustrating thing because i know all the rules and the basics of strategy; however, after about the fourth move I am overwhelmed with moves, uncertainty grips me and i choke. I hate and love playing chess with paul.

Recently, i began a new flash project for Dr. C - it came to me late and i spent the first day trying to figure out how to approach the project - do i do it all xml-ly and cool? Do i construct it author-time? Uncertainty gripped me. It wasn't until the next day that i finally started putting the pieces together in flash - mocking up menus (i ganked the look of the access wayfinding 'dot' although not nearly as expertly) etc...

I have a tumultuous problem solving process. It's like a hurricane of uncertainty, fear and doubt inside of me, so when i came upon this cool problem solving chart i thought there may be some hope for me. Some process that i can follow to help me overcome the whirlwind of emotions that paralyze me at the very thought of doing/making decisions/etc...

Anyone else have problems with this?

p.s. - cool link:

View your flickr photos fullscreen in safari!

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