Chavez Snowman
Originally uploaded by ultrakickgirl
merry belated Christmas everyone
But on endless mud seafloor, where are you fleeing to? In other words, a coconut-carrying octopus may be slow, but it’s always got somewhere to hide.
I put up some of the stuff I have been drawing as of late.
Check it out.
My brother just got back from another tour in Italy. His band, Manuok, and a great italian band, Grimoon, toured from Venice down to Sicily and back. I managed to catch up with them for a couple of shows up north and in Rome. It was super fun!
Anyhow, he put together this swell little video:
made this in five hours - the light saber was the deciding factor in making this costume it seems - I'd already invested in the red pleather which was to be Astroboy's boots, but it was the fascination with the light saber that made Adolfo's heart yearn to wield the force on Halloween night. Halloween is no longer mine at this age, so I submitted and found a new use for an old curtain. I'm glad I didn't force him to be what I'd already planned for him. He had the best time. You can't see it here, but I used scraps to make knee high boots for this outfit. I'm pretty proud of the outcome.
Paóla dressed as Max from Where the Wild Things Are. I have to add the toes and the gloves first and then the thing is completely finished. I am so excited about it and am particularly proud of the whiskers I added. I accomplished the foot part by using some fluffy white house slippers I got at WalMart for 5.00 and sewing the legs onto them. I really wanted to make the buttonholes and everything at the front of the jumpsuit, but conceded to using velcro to close at the back. The buttons are there for show. I am also proud of the tail. I found the right fake fur at Joann's after they got a new fur shipment in. YESS!
Adolfo will be Astroboy for Halloween. I played with the idea of making him Moishe (Carol) from the movie, but he wasn't "thrilled" with the thought. He will be thrilled about Astroboy though. And I think the costume will be fairly easy to make and am excited about building the boots with foam and satin. Cannot WAIT!
Anyway, this is this.
I catch an episode of Spaced when I need to unwind. It is my kind of funny!
I also have a series BBC drama habit, but I don’t want to elaborate on that in public.
What are y’all watching?
Scrabble will do them all a tremendous favor, you see, for love is but a murderous labyrinth of fire, a thorn-lined path I was once fool enough to tread myself,” Hassenfeld said as he gazed at the image in a shattered picture frame resting on his desk. “But I soon learned, as all fools must, that, in the game of romance, we will all of us be forever a few letters short of spelling H-A-P-P-I-N-E-S-S.
One of the more difficult changes to adjust to out here in D.C. is the lack of breakfast tacos. It is a serious quality of life issue for which I don’t think that I am being adequately compensated.
But suffering from a total lack of breakfast tacos anywhere is preferable to what happened to me this morning when I rolled into Dunkin Donuts and noticed the monstrosity below…
I think that it is called a “Breakfast Wrap”. I should credit folks, I suppose, with at least struggling to grasp the idea of a breakfast taco. The positive part of my mind hopes that this beastly breakfast wrap is just an evolutionary step, and that in 20 or 30 years someone with a tortilla and some salsa will bump into somone with some eggs,potatoes,cheese and the happy exclamation “you put your breakfast in my taco! You put your taco around my breakfast!” will be heard.
But the negative part of me suspects that this “Breakfast Wrap” is just the universe fucking with me.
All bumbling conjurers, clumsy squires, no-talent bards, and cowardly thieves in the land will be preemptively put to death. My foes will surely give up and abandon their quest if they have no source of comic relief.
Got a nice report from the Todd yesterday about one of the projects he put together over at Milkshake. He and his company were tasked with developing a video contest web-site for the National Cooperative Grocers Association; the idea was to ask the community to submit videos that communicate “the top 10 reasons that you love your food co-op”.
Plenty of videos were submitted and lots of votes were tallied. Todd forwarded his favorite clip to me. It is pretty clever!
I just love this sort of thing. When the project was first explained to me, I thought: how many folks are going to take the time to make a video about their favorite co-op? Well, it turns out that hundreds of folks will. And the results are pretty great! Hooray for technology!
When I have the ball and I look up and see that I am 40 yards from the goal I think “Man, I will be really tired if run all the way over there.”
Ronaldo thinks: “I’ll have a go”
Hey everyone.
Todd...thanks for the big post the other day...it's always fun to hear how much of a coward you are. It was inspiring. hence this post.
Carol.....I am trying to watch that Indian cartoon....something "Sings The Blues." It is cooler then I expected at first. and I am only 4 minutes into it.
Here is another.....sigh......post of my drawings.
As most of you know I have been drawing for a bit.
I have been fortunate enough to be a part of a sketchbook exchange.
This is the most drawing I have done in years.
I am making a big deal about it because I feel it is really good.
It is rare that I actually give myself the opportunity to see what I can do."
I debate often about how much of myself...my creative self...to use.
Usually having to do with work.
I have become quite miserly of late.
It feels good to stretch those muscles.
I miss hearing y'all complain about the mundane.
paola eats turkey bones - she won't eat food - she usually likes to chew the flavor out of the food and then spit out everything she just chewed - but now i see she likes to gnaw on the bones - haha - it's the mercado in her
I have been deployed to Washington D.C.! This is what it looks like out my front door!
sorry i haven't posted anything lately - my tone is probably a little morose right now because even though things are good for me - i'm caught up in the doldrum that is my life - which is what i've been thinking about lately - the doldrum of life - what does your doldrum consist of and do you know what mine is?
i know most of you have an inkling of what my life is made up of - i have a good job but still have a hard time waking up cheerful about it because its so hard to leave my kids - maybe i whine about it more than i should - but geeze - i can see them slipping away so fast
can you believe paola insists on dressing herself all by herself now...and she's still not potty trained (unfortunately) and she likes ham and cheese sandwiches and ice cream and telling on her brother
and adolfo - what can i say about him - except that the kid is amazing in every way - and so misunderstood - i am not surprised to learn from school that adolfo's test scores are way WAY above average - ms p sat there at the table and pulled out the papers then drew a chart, her eyebrows raised to the ceiling in sincere disbelief - she'd never seen such high numbers in all her years - but, he's lazy, like me and now he's disregarding the teachers and refusing to do the work - the challenge is, how do we fix this? and then there is his sleepwalking and love of books - these instances are followed by full days of frantic web searches on the subject of sleepwalking and evening discussions about whether or not we should put locks on the doors above reach - just in case we don't hear him get out of bed at night - throughout is the consideration of offering him the right subject matter in books and movies for his level of maturity, for his level of understanding
there are other things to think about - when do we buy paola her big girl bed - and then we need to budget for the paint job in the bedrooms - they need a color that is less stimulating to their senses - yes - both of their rooms - why - because paola is exhibiting certain behaviors that we recognize - i clutter my head then with questions that are maybe not necessary...are these learned behaviors from observing her brother? are they thought out with a specific end in mind? or are these true concerns...and that's JUST the beginning of my future brow furrows
of course all of this with the hope that one day i will stay home - which is scary too - but THAT i choose not to think about too much because it is REALLY scary - what if i screw everything up...
i love my life - we have a cute house and i help a friend out who needs a job and she helps me wake up on Sunday to a clean house - we are very blessed and very lucky and we do things together and plan together and celebrate small accomplishments together - we like dinner at jenni's because the kids like the sticky noodles on the menu and adolfo likes to sit on the tall stool and eat at the bar against the window so he could look out at the passing cars on shepherd - he turns around every once in a while with his beautiful smile to blow a kiss in our direction - paola just wants to drink the limeade - but she eyeballs daddy's food and wants to eat IT too while reaching into my plate with her little insect fingers to get whatever she can grab to stuff into her crumb filled mouth
but how could there be so much love in our world - and how can we accomodate it and share it - i wish it was as easy as in past days/years - but it's not - i don't know about you but we have found it getting harder and harder to get together with friends - everyone's schedule is just as busy and everyone is living their lives at a new, unique and different pace - and the question is asked - what has happened to the time? - once there was an abundance of it - and now it seems to have been reduced to 2 hours every day and 2 days every week - the reality of time is now accompanied by the measure of what is most important
occasionally my boss asks me to scan photos and make a 4' X 4' collage out of them – he wants several prints for reunions he has once a year with his friends - it is really cool to look through these images - they meet at a lodge in colorado once a year and take the same group shot under the same stuffed deer head in the same position at the same time each year - it's around father's day - there are 4 couples - through the years, one couple was divorced and the second spouse started appearing – the same smiles, expanding waistlines and different hairdos - i smile when i notice the wrinkles have been smoothened and the hair colors have changed - over 20 years worth...
time flies by so fast that you miss it if you blink - i see it passing in my children's faces when the dimple that was there yesterday has left no more than a shadow - and i see it in the half formed thoughts and the few experiences i try to share with you every now and then – these are like a bone that's been mostly chewed and only a few bits of meat remain for the tasting - yeah, it was savory, here have some – it’s only a taste and not enough for full enjoyment
so - rather than offering you just the bone today - i thought i'd give you the rack o ribs
it's tasty - i promise - i hope you enjoy it because i made it myself and i took my time
I caught this funny post on one of our blogs
The link to wololo really cracked me up